API Documentation

Scanning functions

Main part of the public API.

Generally, the functions in this group take a range, a format string, and a list of arguments. The arguments are parsed from the range based on the information given in the format string.

If the function takes a format string and a range, they must share character types. Also, the format string must be convertible to basic_string_view<CharT>, where CharT is that aforementioned character type.

template<typename Range, typename Format, typename ...Args>
auto scn::scan(Range &&r, const Format &f, Args&... a) -> detail::scan_result_for_range<Range>

The most fundamental part of the scanning API.

Reads from the range in r according to the format string f.

int i;
scn::scan("123", "{}", i);
// i == 123

template<typename Range, typename ...Args>
auto scn::scan_default(Range &&r, Args&... a) -> detail::scan_result_for_range<Range>

Equivalent to scan, but with a format string with the appropriate amount of space-separated "{}"s for the number of arguments.

Because this function doesn’t have to parse the format string, performance is improved.

Adapted from the example for scan

int i;
scn::scan_default("123", i);
// i == 123



template<typename Locale, typename Range, typename Format, typename ...Args>
auto scn::scan_localized(const Locale &loc, Range &&r, const Format &f, Args&... a) -> detail::scan_result_for_range<Range>

Read from the range in r using the locale in loc.

loc must be a std::locale. The parameter is a template to avoid inclusion of <locale>.

Use of this function is discouraged, due to the overhead involved with locales. Note, that the other functions are completely locale-agnostic, and aren’t affected by changes to the global C locale.

double d;
scn::scan_localized(std::locale{"fi_FI"}, "3,14", "{}", d);
// d == 3.14



template<typename T, typename Range>
auto scn::scan_value(Range &&r) -> detail::generic_scan_result_for_range<expected<T>, Range>

Scans a single value with the default options, returning it instead of using an output parameter.

The parsed value is in ret.value(), if ret == true. The return type of this function is otherwise similar to other scanning functions.

auto ret = scn::scan_value<int>("42");
if (ret) {
  // ret.value() == 42

template<typename Format, typename ...Args, typename CharT = ranges::range_value_t<Format>>
auto scn::input(const Format &f, Args&... a) -> detail::scan_result_for_range<basic_file<CharT>&>

Otherwise equivalent to scan, expect reads from stdin.

Character type is determined by the format string. Syncs with <cstdio>.

template<typename CharT, typename Format, typename ...Args>
auto scn::prompt(const CharT *p, const Format &f, Args&... a) -> decltype(input(f, a...))

Equivalent to input, except writes what’s in p to stdout.

int i{};
scn::prompt("What's your favorite number? ", "{}", i);
// Equivalent to:
//   std::fputs("What's your favorite number? ", stdout);
//   scn::input("{}", i);

template<typename Range, typename String, typename CharT>
auto scn::getline(Range &&r, String &str, CharT until) -> detail::scan_result_for_range<Range>

Read the range in r into str until until is found.

until will be skipped in parsing: it will not be pushed into str, and the returned range will go past it.

r and str must share character types, which must be CharT.

If str is convertible to a basic_string_view:

  • And if r is a contiguous_range:

    • str is set to point inside r with the appropriate length

  • if not, returns an error

Otherwise, clears str by calling str.clear(), and then reads the range into str as if by repeatedly calling str.push_back. str.reserve is also required to be present.

auto source = "hello\nworld"
std::string line;
auto result = scn::getline(source, line, '\n');
// line == "hello"
// result.range() == "world"

// Using the other overload
result = scn::getline(result.range(), line);
// line == "world"
// result.empty() == true

template<typename Range, typename String, typename CharT = typename detail::extract_char_type<ranges::iterator_t<detail::range_wrapper_for_t<Range>>>::type>
auto scn::getline(Range &&r, String &str) -> detail::scan_result_for_range<Range>

Equivalent to getline with the last parameter set to '\n' with the appropriate character type.

In other words, reads r into str until '\n' is found.

The character type is determined by r.

template<typename Range, typename CharT>
auto scn::ignore_until(Range &&r, CharT until) -> detail::scan_result_for_range<Range>

Advances the beginning of r until until is found.

The character type of r must be CharT.

template<typename Range, typename CharT>
auto scn::ignore_until_n(Range &&r, ranges::range_difference_t<Range> n, CharT until) -> detail::scan_result_for_range<Range>

Advances the beginning of r until until is found, or the beginning has been advanced n times.

The character type of r must be CharT.

template<typename Range, typename Container, typename CharT = typename detail::extract_char_type<ranges::iterator_t<Range>>::type>
auto scn::scan_list(Range &&r, Container &c, CharT separator = detail::zero_value<CharT>::value) -> detail::scan_result_for_range<Range>

Reads values repeatedly from r and writes them into c.

The values read are of type Container::value_type, and they are written into c using c.push_back.

The values must be separated by separator character separator, followed by whitespace. If separator == 0, no separator character is expected.

The range is read, until:

  • c.max_size() is reached, or

  • range EOF was reached, or

  • unexpected separator character was found between values.

In all these cases, an error will not be returned, and the beginning of the returned range will point to the first character after the scanned list.

To scan into span, use span_list_wrapper. make_span_list_wrapper

std::vector<int> vec{};
auto result = scn::scan_list("123 456", vec);
// vec == [123, 456]
// result.empty() == true

result = scn::scan_list("123, 456", vec, ',');
// vec == [123, 456]
// result.empty() == true

template<typename Range, typename Container, typename CharT = typename detail::extract_char_type<ranges::iterator_t<Range>>::type>
auto scn::scan_list_until(Range &&r, Container &c, CharT until, CharT separator = detail::zero_value<CharT>::value) -> detail::scan_result_for_range<Range>

Otherwise equivalent to scan_list, except with an additional case of stopping scanning: if until is found where a separator was expected.

std::vector<int> vec{};
auto result = scn::scan_list_until("123 456\n789", vec, '\n');
// vec == [123, 456]
// result.range() == "789"


Source range

Various kinds of ranges can be passed to scanning functions.

Fundamentally, a range is something that has a beginning and an end. Examples of ranges are a string literal, a C-style array, and a std::vector. All of these can be passed to std::begin and std::end, which then return an iterator to the range. This notion of ranges was standardized in C++20 with the Ranges TS. This library provides barebone support of this functionality.

Source range requirements

Ranges passed to scanning functions must be:
  • bidirectional

  • default and move constructible

Using C++20 concepts:

template <typename Range>
concept scannable_range =
    std::ranges::bidirectional_range<Range> &&
    std::default_constructible<Range> &&

A bidirectional range is a range, the iterator type of which is bidirectional: http://eel.is/c++draft/iterator.concepts#iterator.concept.bidir. Bidirectionality means, that the iterator can be moved both forwards: ++it and backwards --it.

Note, that both random-access and contiguous ranges are refinements of bidirectional ranges, and can be passed to the library. In fact, the library implements various optimizations for contiguous ranges.

Character type

The range has an associated character type. This character type can be either char or wchar_t. The character type is determined by the result of operator* of the range iterator. If dereferencing the iterator returns

  • char or wchar_t: the character type is char or wchar_t, respectively

  • expected<char> or expected<wchar_t>: the character type is char or wchar_t, respectively

Note on string literals

Please note, that only string literals are ranges (const char(&)[N]), not pointers to a constant character (const char*). This is because:

  • It’s impossible to differentiate if a const char* is a null-terminated string, a pointer to a single char, or a pointer to an array of char. For safety reasons, const char* is thus not an allowed source range type.

  • It’s how ranges in the standard are defined: a const char* cannot be passed to std::ranges::begin or std::ranges::end (it doesn’t have a clear beginning or an end, for the reason explained above), so it’s not even a range to begin with.

Therefore, this code is allowed, as it uses a string literal (const char(&)[N]) as the source range type:

int i;
scn::scan_default("123", i);

But this code isn’t, as the source range type used is not a range, but a pointer to constant character (const char*):

const char* source = "123";
int i;
scn::scan_default(source, i); // compiler error

This issue can be avoided by using a string_view:

const char* source = "123";
int i;
scn::scan_default(scn::string_view{source}, i);
// std::string_view would also work

Return type

The return type of the scanning functions is based on the type of the given range. It contains an object of that range type, representing what was left over of the range after scanning. The type is designed in such a way as to minimize copying and dynamic memory allocations. The type also contains an error value.

struct scn::wrapped_error

Base class for the result type returned by most scanning functions (except for scan_value).

scan_result_base inherits either from this class or expected.

Public Functions

::scn::error error() const

Get underlying error.

operator bool() const

Did the operation succeed true means success.

template<typename WrappedRange, typename Base>
class scn::detail::scan_result_base : public scn::detail::scan_result_base_wrapper<Base>

Type returned by scanning functions.

Contains an error (inherits from it: for error, that’s wrapped_error; with scan_value, inherits from expected), and the leftover range after scanning.

The leftover range may reference the range given to the scanning function. Please take the necessary measures to make sure that the original range outlives the leftover range. Alternatively, if possible for your specific range type, call the reconstruct() member function to get a new, independent range.

Subclassed by scn::detail::intermediary_scan_result< WrappedRange, Base >

Public Functions

iterator begin() const noexcept

Beginning of the leftover range.

sentinel end() const noexcept(noexcept(declval<wrapped_range_type>().end()))

End of the leftover range.

bool empty() const noexcept(noexcept(declval<wrapped_range_type>().end()))

Whether the leftover range is empty.

ranges::subrange<iterator, sentinel> subrange() const

A subrange pointing to the leftover range.

wrapped_range_type &range() &

Leftover range.

If the leftover range is used to scan a new value, this member function should be used.

const wrapped_range_type &range() const &

Leftover range.

If the leftover range is used to scan a new value, this member function should be used.

wrapped_range_type range() &&

Leftover range.

If the leftover range is used to scan a new value, this member function should be used.

template<typename R = wrapped_range_type, typename = typename std::enable_if<R::is_contiguous>::type>
basic_string_view<char_type> string_view() const

These member functions enable more conventient use of the leftover range for non-scnlib use cases.

The range must be contiguous.

The lifetime semantics are as one would expect: string_view and scan reference the leftover range, string allocates a new string, independent of the leftover range.

template<typename R = wrapped_range_type, typename = typename std::enable_if<R::is_contiguous>::type>
span<char_type> span() const

These member functions enable more conventient use of the leftover range for non-scnlib use cases.

The range must be contiguous.

The lifetime semantics are as one would expect: string_view and scan reference the leftover range, string allocates a new string, independent of the leftover range.

template<typename R = wrapped_range_type, typename = typename std::enable_if<R::is_contiguous>::type>
std::basic_string<char_type> string() const

These member functions enable more conventient use of the leftover range for non-scnlib use cases.

The range must be contiguous.

The lifetime semantics are as one would expect: string_view and scan reference the leftover range, string allocates a new string, independent of the leftover range.

template<typename R = typename WrappedRange::range_type>
R reconstruct() const

Reconstructs a range of the original type, independent of the leftover range, beginning from begin and ending in end.

Compiles only if range is reconstructible.

Note, that the values scanned are only touched iff the scanning succeeded, i.e. operator bool() returns true. This means, that reading from a default-constructed value of a built-in type on error will cause UB:

int i;
auto ret = scn::scan("foo", "{}", i);
// ret == false
// i is still default-constructed -- reading from it is UB

Error types

class scn::error

Error class.

Used as a return value for functions without a success value.

Public Types

enum code

Error code.


enumerator good

No error.

enumerator end_of_range


enumerator invalid_format_string

Format string was invalid.

enumerator invalid_scanned_value

Scanned value was invalid for given type.

e.g. a period ‘.’ when scanning for an int

enumerator invalid_operation

Stream does not support the performed operation.

enumerator value_out_of_range

Scanned value was out of range for the desired type.

(e.g. >2^32 for an uint32_t)

enumerator invalid_argument

Invalid argument given to operation.

enumerator exceptions_required

This operation is only possible with exceptions enabled.

enumerator source_error

The source range emitted an error.

enumerator unrecoverable_source_error

The source range emitted an error that cannot be recovered from.

The stream is now unusable.

enumerator unrecoverable_internal_error
enumerator max_error

Public Functions

constexpr operator bool() const noexcept

Evaluated to true if there was no error.

constexpr enum code code() const noexcept

Get error code.

constexpr bool is_recoverable() const noexcept

Returns true if, after this error, the state of the given input range is consistent, and thus, the range can be used for new scanning operations.

struct success_tag_t
template<typename T, typename Error = ::scn::error, typename Enable = void>
class expected

expected-like type.

For situations where there can be a value in case of success or an error code.

Convenience scan types

These types can be passed to scanning functions (scn::scan and alike) as arguments, providing useful functionality.

template<typename T>
struct temporary

Allows reading an rvalue.

Stores an rvalue and returns an lvalue reference to it via operator(). Create one with temp.

template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_lvalue_reference<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
temporary<T> scn::temp(T &&val)

Factory function for temporary.

Canonical use case is with span:

std::vector<char> buffer(32, '\0');
auto result = scn::scan("123", "{}", scn::temp(scn::make_span(buffer)));
// buffer == "123"

template<typename T>
discard_type<T> &scn::discard()

Scans an instance of T, but doesn’t store it anywhere.

Uses scn::temp internally, so the user doesn’t have to bother.

int i{};
// 123 is discarded, 456 is read into `i`
auto result = scn::scan("123 456", "{} {}", scn::discard<T>(), i);
// result == true
// i == 456

template<typename T>
struct span_list_wrapper

Adapts a span into a type that can be read into using scan_list.

This way, potentially unnecessary dynamic memory allocations can be avoided. To use as a parameter to scan_list, use make_span_list_wrapper.

std::vector<int> buffer(8, 0);
scn::span<int> s = scn::make_span(buffer);

auto wrapper = scn::span_list_wrapper<int>(s);
scn::scan_list("123 456", wrapper);
// s[0] == buffer[0] == 123
// s[1] == buffer[1] == 456





template<typename T>
auto scn::make_span_list_wrapper(T &s) -> temporary<detail::span_list_wrapper_for<T>>

Adapts a contiguous buffer into a type containing a span that can be read into using scan_list.

Example adapted from span_list_wrapper:

std::vector<int> buffer(8, 0);
scn::scan_list("123 456", scn::make_span_list_wrapper(buffer));
// s[0] == buffer[0] == 123
// s[1] == buffer[1] == 456





Format string

Every value to be scanned from the source range is marked with a pair of curly braces "{}" in the format string. Inside these braces, additional options can be specified. The syntax is not dissimilar from the one found in fmtlib.

The information inside the braces consist of two parts: the index and the scanning options, separated by a colon ':'.

The index part can either be empty, or be an integer. If the index is specified for one of the arguments, it must be set for all of them. The index tells the library which argument the braces correspond to.

int i;
std::string str;
scn::scan(range, "{1} {0}", i, str);
// Reads from the range in the order of:
//   string, whitespace, integer
// That's because the first format string braces have index '1', pointing to
// the second passed argument (indices start from 0), which is a string

After the index comes a colon and the scanning options. The colon only has to be there if any scanning options are specified.

For span s, there are no supported scanning options.

Integral types

There are localization specifiers:

  • n: Use thousands separator from the given locale

  • l: Accept characters specified as digits by the given locale. Implies n

  • (default): Use , as thousands separator and [0-9] as digits

And base specifiers:

  • d: Decimal (base-10)

  • x: Hexadecimal (base-16)

  • o: Octal (base-8)

  • b.. Custom base; b followed by one or two digits (e.g. b2 for binary). Base must be between 2 and 36, inclusive

  • (default): Detect base. 0x/0X prefix for hexadecimal, 0 prefix for octal, decimal by default

  • i: Detect base. Argument must be signed

  • u: Detect base. Argument must be unsigned

And other options:

  • ': Accept thousands separator characters, as specified by the given locale (only with custom-scanning method)

  • (default): Thousands separator characters aren’t accepted

These specifiers can be given in any order, with up to one from each category.

Floating-point types

First, there’s a localization specifier:

  • n: Use decimal and thousands separator from the given locale

  • (default): Use . as decimal point and , as thousands separator

After that, an optional a, A, e, E, f, F, g or G can be given, which has no effect.


First, there are a number of specifiers that can be given, in any order:

  • a: Accept only true or false

  • n: Accept only 0 or 1

  • l: Implies a. Expect boolean text values as specified as such by the given locale

  • (default): Accept 0, 1, true, and false, equivalent to an

After that, an optional b can be given, which has no effect.

Strings (std::string, string_view)

Only supported option is s, which has no effect

Characters (char, wchar_t)

Only supported option is c, which has no effect


Any amount of whitespace in the format string tells the library to skip until the next non-whitespace character is found from the range. Not finding any whitespace from the range is not an error.

Literal characters

To scan literal characters and immediately discard them, just write the characters in the format string. scanf-like []-wildcard is not supported. To read literal { or }, write {{ or }}, respectively.

std::string bar;
scn::scan("foobar", "foo{}", bar);
// bar == "bar"

Semantics of scanning a value

In the beginning, with every scn::scan (or similar) call, the library wraps the given range in a scn::detail::range_wrapper. This wrapper provides an uniform interface and lifetime semantics over all possible ranges. The arguments to scan are wrapped in a scn::arg_store. The appropriate context and parse context types are then constructed based on these values, the format string, and the requested locale.

These are passed to scn::vscan, which then calls scn::visit. There, the library calls begin() on the range, getting an iterator. This iterator is advanced until a non-whitespace character is found.

After that, the format string is scanned character-by-character, until an unescaped '{' is found, after which the part after the '{' is parsed, until a ':' or '}' is found. If the parser finds an argument id, the argument with that id is fetched from the argument list, otherwise the next argument is used.

The parse() member function of the appropriate scn::scanner specialization is called, which parses the parsing options-part of the format string argument, setting the member variables of the scn::scanner specialization to their appropriate values.

After that, the scan() member function is called. It reads the range, starting from the aforementioned iterator, into a buffer until the next whitespace character is found (except for char/wchar_t: just a single character is read; and for span: span.size() characters are read). That buffer is then parsed with the appropriate algorithm (plain copy for string s, the method determined by the options object for ints and floats).

If some of the characters in the buffer were not used, these characters are put back to the range, meaning that operator-- is called on the iterator.

Because how the range is read until a whitespace character, and how the unused part of the buffer is simply put back to the range, some interesting situations may arise. Please note, that the following behavior is consistent with both scanf and <iostream>.

char c;
std::string str;

// No whitespace character after first {}, no range whitespace is skipped
scn::scan("abc", "{}{}", c, str);
// c == 'a'
// str == "bc"

// Not finding whitespace to skip from the range when whitespace is found in
// the format string isn't an error
scn::scan("abc", "{} {}", c, str);
// c == 'a'
// str == "bc"

// Because there are no non-whitespace characters between 'a' and the next
// whitespace character ' ', ``str`` is empty
scn::scan("a bc", "{}{}", c, str);
// c == 'a'
// str == ""

// Nothing surprising
scn::scan("a bc", "{} {}", c, str);
// c == 'a'
// str == "bc"

Using scn::scan_default is equivalent to using "{}" in the format string as many times as there are arguments, separated by whitespace.

scn::scan_default(range, a, b);
// Equivalent to:
// scn::scan(range, "{} {}", a, b);


template<typename CharT>
class scn::basic_file

Range mapping to a C FILE*.

Not copyable or reconstructible.

Subclassed by scn::basic_owning_file< CharT >

Public Functions

basic_file() = default

Construct an empty file.

Reading not possible: valid() is false

basic_file(FILE *f)

Construct from a FILE*.

Must be a valid handle that can be read from.

FILE *handle() const

Get the FILE* for this range.

Only use this handle for reading sync() has been called and no reading operations have taken place after that.



FILE *set_handle(FILE *f)

Reset the file handle.

Calls sync(), if necessary, before resetting.


The old handle

bool valid() const

Whether the file has been opened.

void sync()

Synchronizes this file with the underlying FILE*.

Invalidates all non-end iterators. File must be open.

Necessary for mixing-and-matching scnlib and <cstdio>:

scn::scan(file, ...);
std::fscanf(file.handle(), ...);

Necessary for synchronizing result objects:

auto result = scn::scan(file, ...);
// only result.range() can now be used for scanning
result = scn::scan(result.range(), ...);
// .sync() allows the original file to also be used
result = scn::scan(file, ...);

class iterator
template<typename CharT>
class scn::basic_owning_file : public scn::basic_file<CharT>

A child class for basic_file, handling fopen, fclose, and lifetimes with RAII.

Public Functions

basic_owning_file() = default

Open an empty file.

basic_owning_file(const char *f, const char *mode)

Open a file, with fopen arguments.

basic_owning_file(FILE *f)

Steal ownership of a FILE*.

bool open(const char *f, const char *mode)


bool open(FILE *f)

Steal ownership.

void close()

Close file.

SCN_NODISCARD bool is_open () const

Is the file open.

template<typename CharT>
class scn::basic_mapped_file : public scn::detail::byte_mapped_file

Memory-mapped file range.

Manages the lifetime of the mapping itself.

Public Functions

basic_mapped_file() = default

Constructs an empty mapping.

basic_mapped_file(const char *f)

Constructs a mapping to a filename.

span<const CharT> buffer() const

Mapping data.

using scn::file = basic_file<char>
using scn::wfile = basic_file<wchar_t>
using scn::owning_file = basic_owning_file<char>
using scn::owning_wfile = basic_owning_file<wchar_t>
using scn::mapped_file = basic_mapped_file<char>
using scn::mapped_wfile = basic_mapped_file<wchar_t>
template<typename CharT>
basic_file<CharT> &scn::stdin_range()

Get a reference to the global stdin range.

file &scn::cstdin()

Get a reference to the global char-oriented stdin range.

wfile &scn::wcstdin()

Get a reference to the global wchar_t-oriented stdin range.

Lower level parsing and scanning operations

template<typename Context, typename ParseCtx>
error scn::vscan(Context &ctx, ParseCtx &pctx, basic_args<typename Context::char_type> args)

In the spirit of {fmt}/std::format and vformat, vscan behaves similarly to scan, except instead of taking a variadic argument pack, it takes an object of type basic_args, which type-erases the arguments to scan.

This, in effect, will decrease generated code size and compile times dramatically.

parse_integer and parse_float will provide super-fast parsing from a string, at the expense of some safety and usability guarantees. Using these functions can easily lead to unexpected behavior or UB if not used correctly and proper precautions are not taken.

template<typename T, typename CharT>
expected<const CharT*> scn::parse_integer(basic_string_view<CharT> str, T &val, int base = 10)

Parses an integer into val in base base from str.

Returns a pointer past the last character read, or an error.

  • str: source, can’t be empty, cannot have:

    • preceding whitespace

    • preceding "0x" or "0" (base is determined by the base parameter)

    • '+' sign ('-' is fine)

  • val: parsed integer, must be default-constructed

  • base: between [2,36]

template<typename T, typename CharT>
expected<const CharT*> scn::parse_float(basic_string_view<CharT> str, T &val)

Parses float into val from str.

Returns a pointer past the last character read, or an error.

  • str: source, can’t be empty

  • val: parsed float, must be default-constructed

The following functions abstract away the source range in easier to understand parsing operations.

template<typename WrappedRange, typename std::enable_if<WrappedRange::is_contiguous>::type* = nullptr>
expected<span<const typename detail::extract_char_type<typename WrappedRange::iterator>::type>> scn::read_zero_copy(WrappedRange &r, ranges::range_difference_t<WrappedRange> n)

Reads up to n characters from r, and returns a span into the range.

If r.begin() == r.end(), returns EOF. If the range does not satisfy contiguous_range, returns an empty span.

Let count be min(r.size(), n). Returns a span pointing to r.data() with the length count. Advances the range by count characters.

template<typename WrappedRange, typename std::enable_if<WrappedRange::is_contiguous>::type* = nullptr>
expected<span<const typename detail::extract_char_type<typename WrappedRange::iterator>::type>> scn::read_all_zero_copy(WrappedRange &r)

Reads every character from r, and returns a span into the range.

If r.begin() == r.end(), returns EOF. If the range does not satisfy contiguous_range, returns an empty span.

template<typename WrappedRange, typename OutputIterator, typename std::enable_if<WrappedRange::is_contiguous>::type* = nullptr>
error scn::read_into(WrappedRange &r, OutputIterator &it, ranges::range_difference_t<WrappedRange> n)

Reads n characters from r into it.

If r.begin() == r.end() in the beginning or before advancing n characters, returns EOF. If r can’t be advanced by n characters, the range is advanced by an indeterminate amout. If successful, the range is advanced by n characters.

template<typename WrappedRange, typename Predicate, typename std::enable_if<WrappedRange::is_contiguous>::type* = nullptr>
expected<span<const typename detail::extract_char_type<typename WrappedRange::iterator>::type>> scn::read_until_space_zero_copy(WrappedRange &r, Predicate is_space, bool keep_final_space)

Reads characters from r until a space is found (as determined by is_space), and returns a span into the range.

If r.begin() == r.end(), returns EOF. If the range does not satisfy contiguous_range, returns an empty span.

  • is_space: Predicate taking a character and returning a bool. true means, that the given character is a space.

  • keep_final_space: Whether the final found space character is included in the returned span, and is advanced past.

template<typename WrappedRange, typename OutputIterator, typename Predicate, typename std::enable_if<WrappedRange::is_contiguous>::type* = nullptr>
error scn::read_until_space(WrappedRange &r, OutputIterator &out, Predicate is_space, bool keep_final_space)

Reads characters from r until a space is found (as determined by is_space) and writes them into out.

If r.begin() == r.end(), returns EOF.

  • is_space: Predicate taking a character and returning a bool. true means, that the given character is a space.

  • keep_final_space: Whether the final found space character is written into out and is advanced past.

template<typename WrappedRange, typename OutputIterator, typename Sentinel, typename Predicate, typename std::enable_if<WrappedRange::is_direct>::type* = nullptr>
error scn::read_until_space_ranged(WrappedRange &r, OutputIterator &out, Sentinel end, Predicate is_space, bool keep_final_space)

Reads characters from r until a space is found (as determined by is_space), or out reaches end, and writes them into out.

If r.begin() == r.end(), returns EOF.

  • is_space: Predicate taking a character and returning a bool. true means, that the given character is a space.

  • keep_final_space: Whether the final found space character is written into out and is advanced past.

template<typename WrappedRange, typename std::enable_if<WrappedRange::is_contiguous>::type* = nullptr>
error scn::putback_n(WrappedRange &r, ranges::range_difference_t<WrappedRange> n)

Puts back n characters into r as if by repeatedly calling r.advance(-1) .

template<typename Context, typename std::enable_if<!Context::range_type::is_contiguous>::type* = nullptr>
error scn::skip_range_whitespace(Context &ctx) noexcept

Reads from the range in ctx as if by repeatedly calling read_char(), until a non-space character is found (as determined by ctx.locale()), or EOF is reached.

That non-space character is then put back into the range.

Utility types

template<typename CharT>
class basic_string_view

A view over a (sub)string.

Used even when std::string_view is available to avoid compatibility issues.

using scn::string_view = basic_string_view<char>
using scn::wstring_view = basic_string_view<wchar_t>
template<typename T>
class span

A view over a contiguous range.

Stripped-down version of std::span.

template<typename T>
class optional

A very lackluster optional implementation.

Useful when scanning non-default-constructible types, especially with <tuple_return.h>:

// implement scn::scanner for optional<mytype>
optional<mytype> val;
scn::scan(source, "{}", val);

// with tuple_return:
auto [result, val] = scn::scan_tuple<optional<mytype>>(source, "{}");